Rancho Esquon provides important habitat for wintering waterfowl along the Pacific Flyway

In the United States, there are four major migratory flyways. The Pacific Flyway is an ncredible avian highway in the sky – a major north-south route of travel for migratory birds in America. The route of the flyway stretches from the Arctic and continues south to the tip of South America. Millions of birds travel this ancient route in the fall and spring of every year.

The Great Sacramento Valley is one of the most important wintering and stop-over areas for migrating waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds and raptors following food sources, heading to breeding grounds, or travelling to overwintering sites.

The wetland and riparian habitats at Rancho Esquon provide a critical link of habitat corridors in the Sacramento Valley. Wildlife friendly agricultural practices help provide the food sources high in carbohydrates and protein that migratory and resident birds require.

Rancho Esquon is managed to assist the increase of suitable habitat essential to over 300 species of birds traveling along the Pacific Flyway.